In my own life I've been battling a bit of injuries. I took a few months or so off from climbing due to some finger issues after Joe's Valley. And then I got that nasty cold that left me with two inhalers and a cough that persisted for over a month. After that subsided I got back into running (to be in shape to pace my dad). I was up to doing 9 milers on some hilly loops and then I decided to play soccer for a friend's b-day party and bam... reinjured the knee. I guess I won't be in world cup 2014 :(. It's not nearly as bad before, and I've kind of gotten used to this whole injured lifestyle so it's no biggie. I'll be back at it in no time I think.
Here's the 15 minute documentary I made about my Pops... Passcode is SD343.
SD 100 2010 from Becky Trafecanty on Vimeo.