Monday, August 24, 2009

South Africa Part Seven: The Kalahari Desert

I know you all have been DYING for more videos. The internet is slow at best so uploading has been minimal. Please forgive me for I only have a very inappropriate short for you today that involved an interesting sighting in the Kalahari Desert. A more complete video of the Kalahari Desert will be available shortly.

Disclaimer: May contain foul language, nudity, graphic sex, and degrading commentary provided by none other than Alan Moore.


South Africa Part Eight: Ostriches Humping from Becky Trafecanty on Vimeo.


  1. C'mon people... I thought this would stir up more commentary... John...Alan... where are you guys? Did you not see this video?

  2. Oh my... not much to do over there huh?

  3. Alan Moore providing off-color commentary? Shocker. :P
