Monday, July 6, 2009

South Africa Part Two: The Disaster

So now imagine a rad problem, "Dawn With Words" I believe, with a big dyno going up and left off of some underclings under an archway. Feet are out right and when you pop up and left your feet swing. First go I pop and miss, legs swinging and the right leg lands first off the pad (a double whammy). The pads were placed perfectly and the spotting was wonderful; it was just a weird, unpredictable fall and wasn't preventable. The shrieking and hyperventilating followed. After downing some ibu, Kevin and Mike (thank you so much) piggybacked me out. The OLD-school doc gave the diagnosis (without xray or MRI) of a partially torn MCL and told me to be bedridden for 3 weeks (yeah right) and then to use crutches to get around (still not bearing any weight after that). I've already been hobbling around and today received some crutches. I'm hoping that the crutches will at least enable me to go to the boulders with the guys since most areas involve some sort of a hike. Justin has been very supportive and fetching me things and cooking me food. I'm so bummed... so bummed. I know things could always be worse, and I am grateful that it wasn't worse... but it's hard to stay positive. I'm in Rocklands for 2 months and will have climbed only 1.5 days by the end of it... sucks. Anyhow... video to follow. Stupid internet is too damn slow.

At least I still have Toto.


  1. Oh Becky, I just got back to work this morning and was looking forward to hearing about your first week. I'm so sorry, wish I could give you a big hug.

  2. Wow what a disappointment, I am sorry to hear that. What an AMAZING experience to even BE there! I'm in awe that you showed up! Keep posting!

  3. Oh, and Toto DOES rock- no question.

  4. I cried when I read Justin's account of the fall. I hope he continues to provide mucho TLC & that you have as much fun as possible sans climbing. Take care_Justin's mama
